Mahasiswi Kebidanan dan Seragamnya

Kemarin sempat gimana yaa, saat teman sekelas di kebidanan ada yang nyeletuk "semenjak aku pasang DP pake seragam jadi banyak yang nge BBM aku" sebenarnya celetukannya tuh cuma buat lucu-lucuan tapi emang berdasarkan fakta juga sih, trus apa hubungannya dengan pakai seragam banyak yang BBM? apa ada daya tarik dari seragam kebidanan  itu sendiri atau emang tertarik  statusnya sebagai mahasiswi kebidanan? who knows?

My Name Means (Anita Means)

When i was a child, i never thought about the meaning of my name, ''Anita Nur Azizah" hahaha, i was too cool, hehe.

They call me anita, nita, and wagure. Especially for the last is my nick name when i was in elementary school in Celebes, indonesia. it means girl with curly hair, to rememembered this i use it in to my account twitter @wagure.

When i was about 6 years. After, we prayed (i learning pray from child, i don't know when is it.) My mother told me the mean of
"Nur Azizah "(arabic name) is light of the strengh, because that i wanna be a brave girl.

In the senior high school, my english teacher course, ask me about our name mean. I can't answered. Becouse i didn't know it yet. But i do love my name, altough i didn't know the meaning yet. I ever thought my name only an edit of my sister name, annisa (arabic name, mean a women )

because corious. So i search in bookstore, anita means beauty, and i search again in google i found that, anita means graceful, merciful. I so pround of this :), but i sad too becouse i am not too graceful, haha, but i'll try to be it.

So be pround for everyone who named "Anita", our parents give us very lovely name.

And for you who didn't know ur name's mean yet, don't be worry, believe your parent give best name for you.

Love and regard,
Anita :)
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